Return to Archives Reminder of Leashed Pet Rules

Return to Archives Reminder of Leashed Pet Rules

  • City of Mount Vernon per 6.04.160 Leash requirements: “It is unlawful for the owner or keeper of any dog or intact cat to allow such animal to roam, stray or be away from the premises of the owner or keeper, or to be in or on any public place or property unless such animal is physically controlled by the owner or keeper or other competent and authorized person by means of a physical control device, including a leash…”
  • Skagit Highlands CC&Rs per section 14. COMMON AREA USE”: “b. All pets must be on a leash controlled by a responsible person and pet waste picked up promptly.”
  • Skagit Highlands CC&Rs per section 16. PETS & ANIMALS: “a. All animals not confined in their yards must be on a leash and under the control of a responsible person” and “b. All pet owners are responsible for picking up their pet’s waste immediately and depositing it in their own trash cans.”
Skagit Highlands Park (Big Park) does have signage reminding residents that pets must be leashed at the park.  Animal control is going to start patrolling and ticketing people with their pets off leash in the park.
Residents who want their pets to be roam off-leash do have a local solution! The City of Mount Vernon does offer an off-leash dog park for city residents just 5 mins. from Skagit Highlands at Bakerview Park located at 3101 E. Fir Street. Click here for information on facilities at Bakerview Park and location.

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